
What to Expect on Your First Visit to South City Dental

Your initial appointment will include a thorough examination by the doctor and the hygienist. This visit also consists of a clinical examination, radiographs as needed, complete medical and dental health history, vital signs, and impressions for diagnostic models, if necessary. The more comprehensive the examination, the more intelligently we can diagnose and treat. In cases where emergency treatment is imperative for the relief or prevention of pain, the examination will usually proceed at a future office visit.

A thorough medical history is taken at your initial dental appointment. We do this because we care about our patient’s overall health. Periodically we may ask that you update your medical history.

From the study of radiographs, clinical findings and in some instances, diagnostic models, we will diagnose your case so that we can recommend the appropriate treatment. If there is more than one method of treatment to be contemplated, both will be discussed.

In some instances, there may be more extensive treatment planning that is needed to be able to address all of your individual needs and concerns. You may be asked to return for a more comprehensive study model consultation and to discuss the financial commitment to a detailed treatment plan.

New patient forms 

Finance & Insurance

Fees are expected at the time service is performed. We offer the following payment options:

  • Cash and Check
  • All major credit cards
  • Financing through CareCredit

We do try to keep our fees reasonable and work with insurance companies whose fees are considerably lower than ours. If an account balance is not paid in a timely manner, it will be turned over to our collection agency. The patient will be responsible for any billing, finance, legal, or collection fees, which may occur. We are most happy to work out any reasonable arrangements with our patients within the credit framework that we have established.


As providers for many insurance companies, we are happy to assist you in estimating your insurance coverage, but it is up to you, the patient, to understand your insurance.

In the case of a large treatment plan it is necessary to send in a pre-determination to your insurance company to ensure coverage. This pre-determination may take up to four to six weeks to return. Should you choose to start treatment before this and the insurance denies coverage, you will be responsible for any balance your insurance does not pay. Your treatment plan is based on dental need, not on just on what insurance will approve.
There are some insurance policies we do not participate with. In this case, we will still file your insurance for you for reimbursement for services. You will be responsible for any difference that the insurance company didn’t pay. We reserve the right not to file secondary insurance, but do our best to accommodate. At your visit, please let us know if you do have a secondary insurance for us to file. In the case of predeterminations, we only send predeterminations to the primary insurance carrier for estimation of benefits. At time of service, we will file on the secondary insurance.
If your insurance status changes, we ask that you bring your new card to our office and let us know before your appointment so that we are able to research your new insurance and provide you with benefit assessment.

WE ACCEPT:   Delta Dental / Aetna / Cigna / Met Life / Guardian – AND MANY MORE!


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(417) 887-4021

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